The Butler Memorial Trust
registered charity no. 1076810
Fevin Nature Reserve Burial Ground
The Nature Reserve
The site, including the burial field, is 'managed' as a nature reserve. Biodiversity is always at the forefront of our thinking. We plan to provide as many different wildlife habitats as we can within our small sphere of influence, aware that every little piece of species rich habitat is precious. people are becoming increasingly aware of how important nature is, not just in terms of 'saving the planet' but also for human health and well being. You will not find closely mown grass and neat paths and hedges at this site. There's no where to shelter from the rain or to buy a cup of coffee. What you will find is the opportunity to sit quietly and listen to the buzz of insects and the call of birds, or look out across Somerton Moor towards distant Glastonbury Tor; bring a picnic, a flask of coffee, even a book and just enjoy.